Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Going to be a family thing.....

I have never purchased anything from an infomercial. Seriously. I am also not one to run out and buy the latest thing neither. I have been keeping my eye on P90x - not because I seen it on tv, but because I had been hearing about the amazing results that people were getting. I have always liked the old fashion hard work concept of the program and the convenience of working out at home. So I made the leap, according to the my tracking info, it arrived at my house this morning. Cool.

The main reason I am going to try this program is because, well, my wife will actually do it with me. I have a struggle between my time devoted to fitness and my time devoted to family. Erin has agreed to follow me through this program, since she has some pregnancy weight she wants to shed. My plan is to incorporate this daily @ home and fit in runs when I can. My plan is to run two marathons (will post which ones soon) next year, so I will have to really crack down on my running by January 2010. I figured this certainly won't hurt my progress, since I seek overall fitness. I will be posting on my progress throughout the program, it's most certainly old news at this point. I am curious though, how well I personally will do on it.

On a totally un-related note, I have been listening to Gaslight Anthem like crazy. They have truly become one of my favorite bands. If you're into that sort of thing, I highly suggest going to YouTube and checking them out.


  1. hope you are able to stick to p90x! i always want to try it but wimp out from "taking the plunge" and buying it. i think you need to put up some before and after pics!

  2. thanks lindsay - I am pretty serious about sticking with it. You should give it a shot, the price originally turned me off of it. You can find it now for reasonable price on ebay.

    Congrats by the way!
